
Autoscaling v1

Serverless Containers Autoscaling

One of the biggest benefits of containers is, in comparison with a VM, they have significantly smaller resource footprint and are faster to spin up and down. This makes it easy to respond fast to increasing workloads on your solution. Adding a new machine next to the busy machine and balancing the load between them will keep your solution stable.

For Serverless Container are introducing autoscaling. It will be an easy way to let your solution scale based on how busy your container is. You are able to set thresholds on CPU and Memory. Whenever the load on your replicas is higher than the given threshold we will automatically scale out so that the load will be spread over these replicas. When the load on your replicas gets lower than the threshold the amount of replicas will scale in and will be decreased to the minimum amount of replicas that are specified

Container metrics will be evaluated every minute and there will be a grace period of 5 minutes before containers will be scaled in.